Thursday, September 14, 2006

Retirement Insurance.

Given the fact that there are so many unknown factors facing today's retirees, it is mandatory that we remain diligent to guard against an interruption in retirement income. We don't know how long we will live, how well our investments will perform, how much we will need to spend for our health care, or even if social security will be able to continue without cutting benefits for current retirees. There a number of things we can do to make our retirement more secure; however, the two that work best are the two least popular among the people I work with. The first is to maintain your ability to earn income. I know that sounds like retirement isn't really retirement and perhaps that's true, but we need to re-think this issue since changing times require changing strategies. In the event of a disaster, you most important asset could well be your ability to earn income to fund your living expenses. The second means of enhancing your security is to simplify your lifestyle. I have many clients who left the work force in their late 40's or early 50's. Most will tell you that they have been able to do this because they have maintained a simple, low cost lifestyle. Think about it. It may not be as hard as it sounds.

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