Monday, September 11, 2006


The first thing that came into my mind when I woke up this morning was the tragedy of five years ago and the way that it changed life as we knew it. An estimate of the cost to our government is in the neighborhood of a trillion dollars. It was a trillion dollars we had to borrow. We have still not realized the effect of all these expenditures which are continuing. Another thing I thought about was the determination of our enemy, as illustrated by the docu-drama on television last night and scheduled for tonight. We almost certainly underestimated the severity of our situation in the past and we may be continuing to underestimate it. It is becoming evident that we have to broaden our views as to who our enemies really are. A case in point is the recent evidence that Iran and Syria are funding massive infusion of weaponry to the Hezbollah terrorists. Last, but not least, is the division among our own people. We need a comprehensive policy to fight this war and we need to be united in implementation of this policy. This should include everything from cultivation of relationships with our true allies in this battle to strengthening homeland security and seeking energy independence. While this may not sound like a post about your personal finances, it definitely is. The pursuit of this war will have a profound effect on your future quality of life and your path to financial independence.

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