Monday, October 17, 2011


" ....Only God Can Make A Tree." Joyce Kilmer.

I've Always Loved Trees. That's why I live here. Hurricanes Ike and Rita along with a severe draught took 75 of these majestic creatures from us. Since you survived the hurricanes and lived adjacent to the water I was not worried about you. I forgot about the beaver who chewed all around you and removed your bark resulting in what appears to be a lingering death.

You Were My Favorite. You stood guard over my dock and provided shade to those who wanted to spend time by the water. You watched my grandson catch his first fish and my father-in-law catch his last. You watched me tip over in my canoe and get an unexpected cool water bath. Do you remember how I looked all around to see if any of the human species witnessed that. I was relieved that it was only you who saw that display of clumsiness and I was secure in the knowledge that you would keep it a secret.

I Was Patient With You. I lost numerous fishing lures that became totally meshed in your leaves and branches. When friends and family chastised me for these errant casts, I told them I was fishing for the elusive Tree Bass. I never became angry because I knew your benefits far outweighed the cost of a few fishing lures.

Looking At You Today. It fills my heart with sadness. My entrepreneurial neighbor, a Rice University Graduate who prefers to do landscaping work in the woods to corporate life , came by to tell me you were gone . I agreed since I have never seen your leaves turn brown in the 15 years I have lived here. Still, I couldn't bear to have you removed. I am hoping for a miracle. I want to see the brown leaves fall and new green ones emerge. I know I have probably lost a dear friend. If the Boss can find some compassion for you and me, I pray that your greenery can be restored. If not, I will someday have to admit defeat and provide you with a dignified exit from the planet.

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