Thursday, January 29, 2009


I was saddened to read of a 93 year old man who froze to death in Michigan because the utility company shut off the power to his house. Like 87% of those who answered the AOL poll, I believe that the utility company was wrong in taking this action. The next thing that comes to mind is why didn’t the neighbors do something. In another AOL poll, 63% said they check on others in their neighborhood that might be in need of occasional assistance.

This tragedy can be viewed from another angle. Did the deceased have any responsibility? It seems likely that he did. There are numerous options available for those who can’t pay their utilities. Utility companies have entire departments devoted to setting up payment plans for those who are unable to pay. There are social service agencies available to help and they would surely have provided assistance in this case. It is likely that the deceased was trying to maintain his independence when he was no longer capable of doing so. I have seen numerous examples of this. It is unrealistic to expect neighbors and family members who may live considerable distances away to take responsibility for our care. I have had two circumstances when I was able to get elderly family members moved to more convenient locations in the nick of time.

I understand the desire to maintain our freedom and as a 70+ year old, I shudder at the prospect of losing mine. If that time comes, I only hope I have the presence of mind to do the right thing and not prevail on others to do what I no longer can do for myself.

A Different Sort of Post. I am trying something different. Sure, there are financial things to discuss, some of which could be construed as more political than financial (the so-called stimulus package). Unfortunately, it is sometimes difficult to separate the two since each one has a profound interest on the other. In my next post, I will get back to finance and such topics as managing your mortgage, paying off your house, and reverse mortgages.

Returning To Colorado For a few days in February. Not sure of the exact schedule but I will post it here as soon as I have made reservations. Send me an e-mail, call me in Texas, or call Susan if you would like to schedule an appointment.


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