Thursday, January 24, 2008


The Government Rides To The Rescue. The president and congress have agreed to send you a check, that is if you don't make too much money. Somewhere between $600 and $1,200 will be headed your way. What a deal. And they don't want us to do anything productive with it. Just go out and spend it. Wait a minute. The government has no money. How can they send us a check? In fact, the government is in debt. Where will the $150 billion they need come from? They've already thought of that. They will borrow it. Just call China, Japan, etc and tell them to add it to our tab. I'm so glad they thought of that. I was beginning to worry that we might have to stop buying all this junk that complicates our lives. We might not be able to keep building larger and larger houses and taking advances on our credit cards to pay our ever increasing utility bills. We can keep doing what we're doing and leaving our grandchildren to pick up the tab.

I Have An Idea. Let's stop this stuff right now. Instead of spending the money they send. Let's use it to pay down our high interest debt. If we have any left over, let's put it in the bank. Let's cut our expenses and buy less than we can afford. Let's save our cash to take advantage of bargains in the real estate and stock market that will inevitably be available from those who have to sell to meet their living expenses. Lets invest in instruments that pay dividends so we can meet our income needs without having to sell assets.

Still In Scottsdale. We've been in Scottsdale Arizona since Sunday. My brother has his surgery at the Mayo Clinic at 5:30 in the morning. Hopefully, we will be through with this place next week at this time. I should be back in Denver by the first week in February. Hopefully, I will have time to visit with some of you before time to head back to Texas. In the meantime, stay tuned to this spot for more exciting rants about ways to cope with this weird economy.

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