Friday, January 05, 2007


The New year is Well on its Way. And this is my first post of the year. I don't have much of an excuse for not writing more often. Although the weather has been wet here it has been relatively warm and I have spent a fair amount of time walking in the woods.

How is Your Comfort Zone. One thing I have noticed as I age, is that it is easy to settle into a comfort zone. While this isn't necessarily bad, taken to the extreme, it can lead to your isolation. It may be nice to venture out and visit friends or travel but it can gradually become more trouble than it is worth. I see this often in my friends and I occasionally observe these tendencies in myself. The only way to change your life in positive ways is to venture outside your comfort zone. I might also mention that there is a risk that you can change your life in negative ways as well. A good exercise for the new year is to spend time looking at the way you are living your life. Are there things you would like to change? Whether you are 25 or 75, you can change your life. It takes stepping outside your comfort zone and trying something new. It takes resiliency to bounce back if your venture turns negative. It takes courage to stay with the new venture rather than bounce back into your comfort zone before you find if your new venture works. One of my new year's resolutions is to step outside my comfort zone and try new things.

This Applies to Personal Finance As Well. Three years ago I developed a conservative option investment strategy that has provided me with exceptional returns. As part of that strategy, I never purchase options. I write them on stocks that I own or would like to own. At the end of 2005, I stepped outside my comfort zone and made a sizeable option purchase. I don't know if this strategy will work or not but I believe it was worth a try. Even if it doesn't work, it adds an element of adventure to my investment activity and makes my life more interesting.

Think About It. Is your life exactly the way you want it? Are you afraid to step outside your comfort zone to make changes? Can you take small steps and work your way to where you want to be without taking too much risk? I am fortunate to have worked my way to where I want to be by stepping outside my comfort zone many times. I have also been fortunate to work with many clients who have done the same thing. Which do you want? Comfort or adventure. It is a choice that only you can make. Give me a call if you want to discuss how you can create the lifestyle you want.

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