Thursday, August 17, 2006


You may notice that the first publication on this blog was almost two years ago. The whole concept has been incubating in my aging mind for all that time. I finally got going again a few days ago. One of the main things on my mind lately is the real estate markets. Major building companies like Toll Brothers and Lennar have seen their stock prices drop drastically over the past few years and it certainly appears that the bloom is off the rose. Still many keep building and many markets are oversupplied with new and resale inventory. This creates problem for those of us who want to sell our existing properties and move on. The problem is further complicated by the fact that many have mortgages that will re-price in the next two or three years. When I say re-price I mean that your rate will increase. The worst thing you can do in these circumstances is stick your head in the sand and wait to find out what your rate will be. The most logical approach is to get busy and project what is likely to occur over the next few adjustment periods and make a plan to deal with the worst case scenario. I'll post more on the methodology of this later. If you can't wait you can always call our office at 720-449-0200. Ask for Phil and I'll get back to you if I'm not there.

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